I love these specialy treats very much! When I need a boost of energy or feel my immune system needs a boost, i enjoy these. It has 100% of your recommended vitamin c. They come in individual pouches with about 18 jelly beans per pack. They are 100% natural.
The only con is that each pouch has 15g of sugar!
Yummy earth makes a lot of vitamin c, organic, and natural treats. They taste great and deliver that extra push on an extra busy day or that lift to help your immune system.
Ratings 1-5
Taste: 4
Price: 3
Health benifits: 4
Taste: I love sour candy but they often are too sweet. These jelly beans would be better if it had less sugar.
Package: love that they are portioned out in convinant pouches that are easy to open.
Price: They tend to be over priced in grocery stores like Giant and Martin's Food. The best prices are on amazon.com.
Healthy benefits: My body takes the vitamin C quickly and results are immediate. It would be better if they added more then just vitamins.
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I love these!