This guest post is written by Heidi DuPree, RN, CTN, holistic nurse, Certified Traditional Naturopath, and energy healing therapist at She is also the author of the award-winning book, “The Other Medicine…That Really Works: How Energy Medicine Can Help You Heal In Body, Mind, and Spirit,” and a transformational healing blogger at You, Me, and My DuPree Knee.
I think most people are aware that eating raw food is “good” for you, but may not realize why. As our Western system of healthcare is based on the premise that the body runs of biochemistry, you may think raw food is good for you because it improves biochemistry, and that certainly is a factor. But we now know that it is energy that initiates the biochemical processes in the body.
Good Vibrations
The truth is, health is a reflection of the vibrational frequency of your energy systems. Poor health indicates a state of lowered frequency. Good health indicates a state of higherfrequency. One of the ways to improve health using energy medicine is to introduce a high vibrational substance into the energy systems of a person with compromised health -- to raisetheir frequency. This can be accomplished through such means as homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils, and food. Simply put, raw foods are good for you because they have a high vibrational frequency.
“Live” versus “Dead” Food
Processed foods have little to no vibrational frequency and are a drain on body resources because they lack the energy required to digest them. The digestive enzymes inherent to raw food are destroyed during processing methods such as canning and pasteurization. These “dead” foods include processed cow’s milk, juice, baby formula, cooked meats, coffee, tea, chocolate, white bread, white flour, white sugar, margarine, jam, and alcohol.
Unprocessed foods have a high frequency. These would include raw fruits,vegetables, and juices, sprouted seeds, and raw cow’s milk and human milk. These foods are “alive” in that their nutritional components, antioxidants, and enzymatic activity are intact. Their high frequency Unprocessed foods have a high frequency. These would include raw fruits,vegetables, and juices, sprouted seeds, and raw cow’s milk and human milk. These foods are “alive” in that their nutritional components, antioxidants, and enzymatic activity are intact. Their high frequency produces a healing physiological response in the body – maintaining proper body pH and promoting detoxification.
Organic food has a high frequency as well. Below is an unaltered picture a client sent to me taken while she was holding a plate of organic food at a farmers market. This picture is completely unaltered, and you can actually see energy emanating from the plate!
When we decrease our consumption of processed food and add more raw and organic food to our diet to raise our energetic frequencies and improve our health, food becomes medicine.
Thank you Heidi DuPree for your wonderful post.
Stay healthy,
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