September 26, 2009

Allium Family Series Part 1: Leek

Allium Porrum AKA Leek

Allium Porrum is part of the Allium vegetables, other Alliums vegetables are onions and garlic.

What leek look like: Leeks are long and green, and are sold with their roots.
What leek taste like: Leeks are actually very tasty, they taste like a mild onion.
How to eat leek: The best way to eat leek is raw with other vegetables, this way you take in all the nutrients and minerals. This is true of all vegetables and fruits. You can chop up leek and add it to your salad. There are also many dishes where leek would be perfectly cooked in, for example leek soup. Any dish that you normally cook with onions, leek would taste great with.

Leek’s Health Benefits
• Lower LDL Cholesterol While Raising HDL Cholesterol
• Promote Optimal Health
• Leeks Protective against Ovarian Cancer
• Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels


  1. I'll have my husband write out a recipe for the leek soup, since he altered the recipe some.


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