February 25, 2014

Hubby makes gourmet dinner.

My husband suprised me with a delious dinner! 
Thanx babe! 

February 10, 2014

Review: Snuggle Me, microwavable Hottie

By Cyndi 
I love this little guy!   

Snuggle me stuffed animals are stuffed with a pleasant aroma that helps you sleep. 

Lavander is my favorite oil/fragrance and my little guy smells amazing!  My hubby and I  insomnia and I purchased this little guy to help him sleep.   I placed him near the head board and he knocked out within seconds.    As for me I have sinced hijacked this little guy.   

I haven't heated him up yet but he is perfect for  a Valentine's Day Gift.  
I purchased this one on Amazon.com. 

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Probiotic Ginger and Lemon Tea Chicken Recipe

Probiotic Ginger & Lemon Tea Chicken Served with Rice Noodles 
By Cyndi Morel DuPree 

Delicious healthy and inexpensive meal in 30mintues.

All the ingredients are to taste.  For this particular meal I used the whole bag of the Tyson's grilled and ready chicken and half of the bag of rice noodles.   I used about 1/2 a cup of water, 2 table spoons of agave, one pack of tea, 1/4 lemon juice, two table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, and a table spoon of  sesame seeds. I sprinkled the pink salt salt and garlic to taste.

When using raw organic chicken or any other meat the meal  takes  5-10 minutes longer.  To  safe time you can start cooking the meat on low while you make your sauce. 

Checkout the video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEHnge5LKnQ

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