June 21, 2012

Gluten free Mediterranean delights

Zucchini Minni Cups and " Lasagna"

These are gluten free and so good! 

The lasagna is made with ground turkey, onions, sliced zucchini, mozzarella cheese, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, basil, oregano,  adobo,  tomato sauce, and  tomatoes, 

Mini zucchini cups are make with ground turkey that's been cook with olive oil, onions, and adobo.  The zucchini was chopped  (as seen above) and then the center dug out... Then the turkey placed in the center, tomato sauce added to the top and some mozzarella cheese.  

June 19, 2012

Cyndi's Organic Raw Vegan Chocolate Candy Recipe

Organic Raw Vegan Chocolate Candy

Super easy, super fast, super nutritious, super delicious
3 easy steps... Under 10 minutes

All ingredients are raw and organic
Makes: 4
Time: 10 minutes

3 tbsp  Cocoa powder
4 tbsp  Almond butter
2 tbsp  Coconut Oil
2 tbsp cashew
2 tbsp shredded coconut
2 tbsp agave
1 tbsp honey

Prep: Crush your cashews in ur blender or food processor...

1.  Take 1 table spoon of almond butter, some coconut shreads, and cashews and roll into a ball... Do the same for the other 3 pieces, and set then in the freezer.

2. Take your coconut,agave, honey and chocolate and stir in a measuring cup until the coconut oil looks chocolate syrup.

3. lightly pour the mixture over the almond mounds and set in the freezer for a minute (or until chocolate is solidly covering your candy).  Repeat this process as often as you'd like until you reach your desired amount.

 You can drizzle a little honey over  for an extra sweetness yumminess :)

All ingredients can be purchased on amazon at a great price.
Store in your fridge

June 16, 2012


Raw Organic Vegan Chocolate Candies 

       Raw Organic Vegan Chocolate "cheese" Cake.

 I love the idea of raw food. Being able to get as much  of the nutrition in a meal as possible is very important to me.  The fact that even desserts can be so nutritious and delicious is just awesome.  The fact that these recipes take just minutes and require no heat is a +++

The recipe for the chocolate vegan raw "cheese" cake can be found here :http://www.pure2raw.com/2012/02/raw-triple-chocolate-cheesecake-recipe/

but the organic raw candies are my creation and the recipe will be up  in the next post

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